In April 2019, the Vienna Maker Faire “Distributed Design Market EU”and “Maker Faire Vienna” awarded us a spot at the Vienna Design Week 2019 as a programme partner. From 27. 09. to 6. 10. 2019, we had a permanent display and daily presentations at the festival centre. Within these 10 days, we reached out to a large community of varied ages, interests and backgrounds including makers. The first two hive prototypes were part of the curated exhibition in Festival Headquarters. As part of the creation of HIVEOPOLIS hives, we focus on biocompatible novel materials that are engineered and manufactured to perform specific functions. During this event, we demonstrated how we use the large scale 3d printing methods to produce alternative beehive enclosures that are lightweight, with high insulation properties, bio-compostable, durable and visually bespoke. We use experimental composites to 3d print sufficient substrates for growing mycelium (vegetative part of a common mushroom) as an insulation and mechanical enhancing agent.